
It is a pleasure to meet you...

I am your target market. White male aged twenty-five to forty, six feet tall, brown hair, brown eyes, medium build, size eleven shoe. Above average intelligence and a liking for a more....mmm....premium beer. A broad taste in music ranging from nineteen-forties live jazz to grind-core and a heavy dose of trip-hop. I like baseball and brunettes. Red wine and eye-of-round medium rare. I dress nicely but not too nicely. I must please everyone and offend no one. I must deliver every line without the slightest fault, and if you ever catch on, I will blow my fucking brains out.



I don't care what anyone says, this movie is fucking unsettling.



Round and Round the Mulberry Bush

Yesterday I felt tierd. 
Yesterday I felt annoyed.
Today I feel so tierd I am annoyed.
Today I feel like screaming at everyone.
Today I feel that people should try something called...

"common sense"

Tomorrow I will feel tierd from being irritated the day before. 
Tomorrow I will feel sad.
Tomorrow I will feel upset at myself for being sad. 
Tomorrow I will feel like sleeping all day. 
Next week I'll get over it and have something else to complain about. 
Mulberry, mulberry, mull.



Positive Two Negatives Don't Make A Positive.

My entire life I have been told to think and be more positive by the most negative people I have ever met... Its like being told you're drunk by the drunkest person in the room... Look in the mirror, maybe point a finger at yourself before pointing at another... You can't keep all the nay-Sayers in your life... They break you down rather than add something to your life and build you up.... And that's where we all should be, up and happy... So next time anyone is being negative, remember you have the power to leave, don't let that negativity rub off on you.

Devin James


The Kings and The Peasants.

I am a poor man. A peasant if you will.

I know this now because my junk-mail consists 
only of fast-food flyers and messages from god.
According to the Kings of Corporation, I live with 
constant hunger and a lack of salvation. I have no
need for life insurance, no concern about this year's
Lexus sedan. How do you save on something that's
already as cheap as it gets? Apparently I can't 
afford a full-priced Whopper. 

I need a good deal on a good deal quick. Before I starve.



MTV Cocktales

I recently had the privilege to film an episode of a new MTV Canada show called "cocktales"... It's basically guys sitting around a table telling crazy stories and getting drunk... It was really a lot of fun to do. The only thing I was upset about is, it wasn't long enough.
As for the air date I have no idea, and neither does MTV apparently, but if you watch MTV and see a show called "cocktales", and are in the mood for some dick or puke stories, check it out....  Hopefully it's a good show.

Devin James


Early Spring :: 9:51 am

The air is chilled, the grass, moist.
It took all I had not to give-up and lie down,
continual unknowing is gorging at my heart.
I can't stop the explosive howl from inside me...

    "I need you! I need you!"

My legs now think for themselves, I begin to run.
Dew spatters my calves as my feet pelt the ground.
Fits of sweat and fear begin.
My breathing is heavy now, like a boulder trying to float.
My body blistering hot inside but cold to the touch. 
But I am here, I have made it.
I am at McDonald's in time for breakfast.



Cigarettes and Lip Gloss

We headed to a pool hall we frequent, it was league night so the only choice was dominoes and rye at the bar. After quickly running up a forty dollar tab and losing many bets while playing dominoes, I find myself walking into a small town strip club. As I walk in, grab a drink and sit down, all I can smell is whiskey, cigarettes and urine... After a few poor attempts by some money hungry girls to get us to go for a VIP dance, we headed outside for some air only to find some interesting, nay, disturbing news. While standing beside a dumpster behind the strip club, two strippers wearing nothing but lingerie in the rain, standing on a bed of cigarette butts, lip gloss and mud, informed us there were thirty two girls working that night, whether they were in the club it self, or in the coke filled apartments upstairs, thirty two girls total, all fighting for the attention, nay the money, of maybe fifteen men. Not only that, but one girl in particular was quoted as saying: "hey, if it's a slow night, I don't mind doing anal for $200"... This was still not the highlight of my night, no this happened when I asked a stripper from Montreal, "what brings you to a small town for this kind of work?".... After brief thought she replied "a driver"..... I knew then it was definitely time to leave.

The pillow feels nice after a night like this.

Devin James


A very short review of Q and A by Vikas Swarup

This is the book that Slumdog Millionaire was based on, and it is way better than the movie, and way more graphic. They almost changed too much of the story for the flick, I mean what would be wrong about showing the main character kill a man and point a gun at the host? But I guess it would be wierd to show the police shove a stick covered in hot sauce up a kids ass, or the main character falling in love with a young prostitute, or the multiple disturbing boy rape scenes... Yeah it's messed up, but all in all, awesome book and it lands in the pile of books that were ruined by film.

You're welcome.

Devin James